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      The brand new Sonic Anemometer from Davis Instruments is designed to measure wind related conditions without the need for moving parts. Pairs of electro-acoustic transducers in the anemometer send sonic pulses back and forth, and measure the time it takes for the pulse to travel from one to the other. This time is affected by the movement of the air, which allows the anemometer to calculate wind speed and direction, calibrated by temperature measurements.

      The Sonic Anemometer has its own solar panel which charges its internal battery. It can be used with an EnviroMonitor Node to add wind data to an EnviroMonitor system, as well as a way to replace or upgrade the anemometer on your Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station. Installed with a Sensor Transmitter, it can be used to include additional wind stations in your existing system when reporting to a WeatherLink Live.