The Daytime Fan-Aspirated Shield Kit can be installed on any Vantage Pro2 or PLUS standard ISS model to provide even more accurate temperature and humidly readings.
The kit contains a solar-powered fan that draws outside air over the temperature and humidity sensors to reduce the effects of daytime radiation on temperature and humidity readings. The solar-powered fan runs during the day. Since there is no backup battery, the fan will cease running when night falls and the effects of the radiation are minimal.
The benefits of fan aspiration but half the cost of the Davis 24-hour FARS
75% as effective in reducing the effects of daytime radiation
Operating temperature
-40° to +150° F (-40° to +65° C)
Storage Temperature
-50° to +158° F (-45° to +70° C)
Radiation Induced Error
+1.0° F (0.5° C) at solar noon (insolation = 1040 W/m2, avg. wind speed ? 2 mph (1 m/s))