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      With 32-times the memory of our Weather Envoy, Envoy8X receives and logs data simultaneously from up to eight transmitting stations; including eight Integrated Sensor Suites or eight Leaf Wetness & Soil Moisture/Temperature Stations. This means you can get data from 32 soil moisture sensors on one Envoy8X. This package includes robust software that allows for data from many sensors and multiple Envoy8X systems to produce large databases in Microsoft Access, MySQL, or Microsoft SQL Server. Just select which sensors to log, and choose a logging interval from 10 seconds to two hours. Data can be easily exported to a spreadsheet program such as Excel, or to WeatherLink to take advantage of WeatherLink's graph and report features.

      Envoy8X has built-in temperature and humidity sensors, as well as a barometer. The software will report data from those sensors as "inside" data, effectively giving you a ninth "station." You may connect an external temperature probe (6475 or 6477) to replace the Envoy8X's internal temperature probe.